Monday, February 24, 2014

Take off the bib.

"Take off the bib." I ran across this quote while reading the book entitled, "Move" by Hawkins and Parkinson. The premise of the book centers around the lack of spiritual growth that occurs within the church. What's interesting is that this lack of spiritual growth doesn't find its' epicenter in the new believer or even those who attend and are just exploring Christ. The crux of the stagnated and stalled spiritual growth is provided by those tenured saints who populate the pews faithfully and make up the core of the church committees. That's right, a tremendous lack of spiritual growth is occurring in those that attend church regularly and have even made church a priority in their lives.

What we've known all along but are perhaps are just now re-discovering, is that just because someone attends church and even serves in the church doesn't mean they are growing spiritually. You see too often we associate the wrong things with spiritual growth.
  • Attendance doesn't equal growth.
  • Serving doesn't equal growth.
  • Giving doesn't equal growth.
  • Leadership doesn't equal growth.
Why are we quick to serve, but not as quick to open the Word for private study? Why are we quick to voice a prayer in the public setting but not as quick to whisper a prayer for the stranger on the street corner? Why are we quick to lead when we haven't really developed ourselves as followers? Why are we still struggling with the same secret sin that we've been dealing with for 10 or even 15 years? Why have we not yet committed ourselves to an accountable relationship? Why have we not yet joined a small group and immersed ourselves in those relationships? Why have we settled for the belief that spiritual growth equals attendance at a church service once a week? 

Jesus makes clear that growing up in Him is more than a weekly commitment. In Luke 9:23 He says that it requires a daily sacrifice. Why are we still wearing a bib?

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